Thursday, May 19, 2016

4 - Don't give excuses!

Start to workout is difficult if you don't do it because you love it... You will try to skip days, workout badly or even not pay the gym. But not to skip working out days is very important in order to avoid catabolism, that is why I'm going to teach you some exercises that you can make at home and keep fit and healthy wherever you go.
Here is a list of at home exercises that you can make:

Here are some fat burning and cardio exercises:
Image result for at home exercises

You can find these and many other exercises online, remember: it's very important not to skip any workout day!!

Monday, May 9, 2016

3-Lets build the muscles!

Now that you all know the basics about muscles and alimentation, I'm going to talk a little bit about working out.
Workout is the word people use to refer to Physical Exercise, which is basically one or a series of exercises that have the purpose of maintaining the healthiness and/or fitness of a body, the physical activity can be realized in various ways, and that is what people do not understand, and that is what I will try to explain in this post.
When we talk about Physical Activity we are not only talking about weight lifting (even though that's what I'm going to focus here). If you access the link I left above you will see the real definition of it.
Remember! Not all Physical Exercises build "big muscles", for example, if you are a marathon runner you will develop a very resistant body, with a very good metabolism and with a very healthy heart and body, but at the same time, you will not develop big muscles, the muscles that will appear are going to be very light, strong and fat-free, different than calisthenics athlete, that develops a very strong and massive body. See below.

Let's now talk about the different types of exercises related to weight lifting, and how they will help you to build big muscles in the gymnasium!
There are three main types of working out exercises: Resistance, Hypertrophy and Isometry. Each of them have an specific purpose.
If you are starting to work out now, is better for you to work out all of your muscles with little amount of weight and with an average of 10 repetitions. In the first three weeks you will feel a lot of pain on your muscles, that's because your body is not used to the exercise you are doing. This first part of training is very important because it will make you body and your brain "learn" the right form of the exercise you are doing, it will make your body used to weight lifting and it will also start the process of strengthening the tendons (which are responsible for movement and sustentation), a very good advise is to run a lot if you have a big amount of fat in your body, that way you will build a strong and lean body.
After approximately two months working out, your body will be used to the exercises you are making and you will now have a leaner and somehow "prettier" body. Now you can start the Gaining muscles process (which is a very long process). It should start with the resistance train, which is based on making your muscles be to support stress for a bigger amount of time, that will increase your muscle resistance (thats why is called resistance train), that way, when you need to lift a lot of weight you will have more muscle explosion and you will also not get tired before the Hypertrophy occur.
The Resistance train is based on:
- ingest any sort of energy source 30 min before the workout
- 20 min running --> 3 or 4 exercises for each muscle (don't workout more than two muscles per day), 2 series 20 repetitions (25 receptions for leg, calves and trapezium)
- ingest a lot of protein (no fat and normal amount of carbs)
This train should last for at least one month for young athletes and two months for new athletes and older people. By the end of the resistance train your body will be able to tolerate heavy weight, which means that the Hypertrophy train may start now.
The Hypertrophy train is based on concentrated exercises with the purpose of gaining mass. The exercises are done with few reputations (from 4 to 6) and with more weight. The Hypertrophy train will result in milions of "microinjuries" in the muscle that will result in a increase in the muscles' mass and size due to its healing.
The Hypertrophy train is based on:
- ingest calories and energy source minimum 30 min before the train.
- 6 to 8 minutes running --> 4 exercises per muscle group, 4 series of 4 to 6 repetitions [4 without help and 6 with help(better)] (8 repetitions for legs, calves and trapezium)
The Hypertrophy should lest for about 3 months for young athletes and 1 and a half or two months for older people or beginners. After the hypertrophy train you will notice a big change in your muscle size, but after the 3 months you will also notice that you will start to "get bigger" slower, that is because your muscle entered in something called "muscle homeostasis", that means that you muscles got used to the exercises you are doing, and that now you will start getting mass lower because your body learned how to deal with the muscular stress. Now is time for you to star the Isometrical train, which is based on exercises done very (very) very slowly. They have the purpose of defining the body lines and making the body leaner and more symmetric (that's why it's called isometric iso=same metric=measurement).
The isometric training is based on:
- ingest an energy source 30 min before train
- 10 min running --> 3 or 4 exercises per muscle group, 3 series of 8 repetitions (its important to make the exercise very slowly)(10 repetitions for legs, calves and trapezium)
REMEMBER! for the isometrical training you will flex your muscles very fast and let it extend very slowly, waiting about 6 seconds for it to occur and in the end of every exercise (not series) you should stay 6 additional seconds on the most isometric position (the one that you feel your muscle work the most) see example below:
Image result for biceps curl<-- Goes up fast
<-- Goes down slow (counting 6 seconds)

<-- In last exercise you hold with your arm forming a 90 degree angle with your forearm.

The isometric training will last for 1 or 1 and a half months, after that the whole process starts again (Resistance, Hypertrophy and Isometry)

2-how to build muscles without getting fat?

Muscles are proteins, which means that to understand how to build muscles, you need to understand the proteins.

Image result for protein
What is (definition)
A protein is a macromolecule composed primarily of linear chains of amino acids.
There simple protein composed only of amino acids and their derivatives. Also, the conjugated proteins, which are formed by polypeptide chains and prosthetic group.
Image result for protein amino acid

Functions of proteins
They play a very important role in our body, they provide materials for both the construction and the maintenance of all our organs and tissues.
The proteins may be of vegetable or animal origin. In the first case, they are incomplete because they are poor in variety of essential amino acids (those which the body is unable to produce). Since the protein of animal origin, it is considered complete to contain all the essential amino acids.

As already mentioned above, proteins are of utmost importance to our body for its construction and repair function. They also participate in the formation of hormones, enzymes and antibodies. With these few examples, one can already get an idea of ​​how much they are essential to our body.
When we eat proteins, they are broken down during the digestion process, and subsequently absorbed by our cells, which again the break, turning them into amino acids. These amino acids are used by our body where they are needed.
For example, if the skin of a person is unbalanced by the lack of amino acids, foods rich in proteins and proper intake of water would be beneficial to recovery. This is true not only for skin, but for the whole body, because, as we have seen, the amino acids are builders and repairmen.
Okay, now that we know the definition, the function and the importance of proteins, we need to understand how to build them!
To build a protein you will need amino acids and energy to bind them together, to get those you will need mostly two things: Proteins/amino acids and carbohydrates/sugars. But aren't the carbohydrates responsible for making me fat? Yes and No, carbohydrates main function is to serve as an energy fuel for the body. "Carbon atoms, hydrogen and oxygen combine to form a carbohydrate or a sugar moiety" (look at picture below). The energy is a result of usage of the calories, you get those from the carbohydrates and sugars for example, calories are present in the food you eat. After the calories enter your bloodstream, this fuel is burned in several metabolic processes. This includes your muscle activity, digestion, breathing, brain function, hair growth etc. The basics of survival, to summarize.
But sometimes we consume more calories than the body can burn. When this happens, our body thinks, "Hey, I do not need all that energy now. I'd better store it in case I need it later, right?" So begins the miracle of fat. Your body takes those calories left over and keep the fat cells. They expand as they collect more fuel, and shrink when you use some of that energy.
This explains not only how you get energy but also how you get fat! Now you might be thinking "But that didn't quite answered how carbohydrates help to build muscle instead of protein..." But it did! As I said before, lipids are only formed if you don't use all the calories you ate, and building up muscles use energy (that is going to come from the calories), which means that if you eat just enough calories to supply the body activities, you will not turn it into fat.
Image result for carbohydrates structure